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Hepatic artery embolization was perfomed in 14 patients. In 11 of them indications were the following: chronic pain, arterial hypertension, anemia resistant to conservative treatment, portal hypertension. In 3 nearly asymptomatic patients with angioma size of 12 cm and more, the intervention aimed to prevent possible complications of the disease. All in all, 23 interventions were done, Spongostan и Ivalon used for peripheral embolization, and Gianturco coils for feeding vessel occlusion. 16-46 month follow-up showed quality of life improvement (decrease of pain) in 12 of 14 cases. In 3 patients hepatic artery embolization resulted in normalizing of systemic arterial and portal pressure due to arteriovenous shunt cessation. Thus, feeding arteries embolization makes hepatic angiomas amenable to surgery and could be seen as a first-line treatment performed prior to hepatic resections.





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122 cases of gastroesophageal bleeding due to portal hypertension are analyzed in the article. It is shown that transcatheter interventions, as a part of the complex hemostasis strategy, can significantly improve the results. Keeping to algorithms and acting in accordance with protocols developed for any diagnostic procedure or intervention are declared to be crucial to success. The complex approach to profuse bleeding management, that included transcatheter procedures, decreased mortality rate from 72,2% to 22,1% and reduced rebleeding rate from 47,2% to 31,4%. 






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In the treatment of macro-cystic forms of lymphangiomas, puncture methods have great value. Relapses occure in 50% of cases. The cause of lymphangiomas is the accumulation of liquid and spreading of cystic walls.

Aim. Was to develop and propose methods of interventional radiology in the diagnosis and treatment of macro-cystic lymphangiomas.

Materials and methods. In 2007-2011, in the radiological department of our hospital were examined and treated 31 children with macro-cystic forms of lymphangiomas. The proposed method of treatment was: puncture, catheterization of cyst, aspiration, performance of cystography and then sclerotherapy with 3% solute of Fibro-Vein or ethoxysclerol.Then - inserting active aspiration system into cyst. The system operated for 3-5 days, during which carried constant active aspiration with sclerotherapy sessions. The indications for catheter removal was the end of cyst liquid secretion. In 20 children we performed a single-stage treatment. In 6 - two-staged, and only in 5 cases, after the second phase of treatment, we observed a relapse of the disease, which leaded for the third phase of treatment.

Results. Good results were achieved in 15 of 19 children with lymphangioma of the head and neck, satisfactory - in 4 children. Unsatisfactory results were not noticed. In children with lymphangioma of internal organs a good result was achieved in 11 cases of 12. Only in 1 case remained a small residual cavity

Conclusion. The method of active aspiration of macro-cystic lymphangiomas showed very good results. The use of techniques of interventional radiology in the diagnosis of macro-cystic forms of lymphangiomas can assess the condition, shape and size of the cyst, and spend the most effective treatment. The use of interventional techniques as an alternative to surgical excision of the lymphangioma can significantly improve the quality of life.



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